Time and its Entanglements Raising Children: How to Deal with their Own Personalities and Pursue of Freedom

Time is not lineal, nor felt equally in different activities and people.

Time and its Entanglements Raising Children: How to Deal with their Own Personalities and Pursue of Freedom
Winter festival

I went today to the Christmas Event of my niece, an energetic 5-year-old kiddo who is my constant reminder of the challenge of raising a life. She is well-behaved, intelligent, curious, and adventurous, but not all women are born to be mothers, and I am not made for it (I wouldn't love to be stuck with a tiny human).

She sang Santa Claus Is Coming To Town, which gave a perfect reflection motif.

Do we really enjoy a stalker always watching us and deciding whether we should receive gifts or punishment?

I don't.

But I was raised to believe in this old man, as many others.

I was also introduced to believing in god, blood ties, honor, and rigor. I didn't enjoy being so hard on myself. Time has allowed me to reflect and select which values I want and which are crappy ways of making me feel anxious. I believe in loyalty, to the bond created by working on the relationships and making them stronger.

I agree on the idea of being an honorable human; I do not honor a country, an ideology, or a religion, but the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity, which itself might be a religion.

I aim to remember that what I know is just a portion of what is known. And yet, I fail constantly.

Time changed, and I changed through it.

My niece has her time, and I am hopeful she will seek her interests and pursue her path. It is not enough to be in contact with the interests and passions that nearby humans offer her, friends, schoolmates, teachers... all must give her freedom.

To love is to be open to discovering time through someone else's mind and soul.

I will not put my interests in her; I might try to inspire her to like some of the things I am passionate about, but...

History has proved that there are so many entanglements that there will always be a need for time and place. Her time and her place. I am happy to be around and discover what she has to say.